Sunday, October 5, 2008

What Ever Happened?

OK girls, tonight I could not sleep and was blessed with my dear Carrie Bradshaw and friends on my television set. My absolute favorite all time show...need I mention it? Is it trite at this point? But, in my early, mid, even late twenties, my girlfriends and I embodied this. They were my end all be all. Now, with families, boyfriends in law school, and jobs that take us here and there, I feel like I have lost it. Is this normal? I will not stand for it. No matter what "real life" is supposed to be.

Don't get me wrong. Brian is my best friend. We have a wonderful time together. But, girls need girls. No, not in the Girls Gone Wild way. Last weekend I cried while Brian was at a bachelor party. Real tears. Not because I was worried about strippers on his lap. Because I missed MY friends and wanted to be with them.

As women, I think we need to take a stand. So many of us watched this show, went to the movie, drank the ubiquitous Cosmos, and vowed to always be BFF's. Now, let's put our money where our mouth is. Our sanity depends on laughter, memories, and most importantly, friendship.

PS-This is coming from a true Charlotte, who also thinks carnations are the filler flowers.

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