Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just When...

Just when I thought I was having a yucky day, little things like this make me laugh. Don't hate, she is just trying to be like her Mo. Life has a funny way of not letting things stay too serious for too long. It's like when my principal called us in to tell us we were losing a fourth grade teacher and her class would be dispersed among all of ours. Oh, I freaked. I cried. I complained. I got angry. For all of you teachers out there...I was irate, irritable, morose AND melancholy. But, I had to make a decision. I realized that I had the choice. I could choose to be angry, irate, blah, blah, blah. OR, I could choose to put on my big girl panties and realize that now, I would have 6 really awesome kids to welcome into the fold. Not only would I have six more faces peeking through my window waaaaaaay to early in the a.m., but I would also have six more voices to hear laugh when crazy Ms. B. is acting silly again. Yes, it is a bit rank on PE days, it takes us forever to take a bathroom break (I am so mean, I race the boys vs. the girls now), and our check out line in the Media Center wraps around the first grade fiction section, but hey, we are a family.

I came to realize that sometimes I can focus on what I think I can't do rather than jumping in and just getting my toes wet. Take Rylee up there for example. I thought I would never be a mother. No way, no how. I wasn't birthin' no babies. And now, she is here, in my life and I smile from ear to ear when I see her Daddy pulling into the driveway with her in the backseat, waving packets of crackers (I never knew they were baby crack) and her Dora the Explorer blanket.

I think this epiphany (Ooohhh if I do say so myself) hit me the other day when I was telling my new friend Jody my life story of late. She looked at me, I think a little with disbelief, and was shocked with how well adjusted I am (ahem, she is only 23...gag). I was a little impressed with myself, but I thought, hmmm...I made the choice. I could have wallowed in it, but I moved on and looked for greener pastures. And here they are. Both with goofy grins, but only one with oversized sunglasses on her face. Payless by the way. I KNOW! I couldn't believe it either.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

You've come a long way baby.
-Virginia Slims

('member that cig ad?)